Dr Cathy Balding: 'Virtual CB'

Making Quality (Planning, Management, Improvement) Make Sense in Human Services


Cathy works with human service boards, executives and leaders to make quality make sense, specialising in ‘clinical governance systems with purpose’. Cathy has spent the last 20 years as Director of Qualityworks, focused on creating great point of care experiences for consmers and staff, using her 'strategic quality system' model. Her website www.cathybalding.com provides books, courses and tools to design and implement quality and clinical governance systems that make a difference at point of care. You can ask 'Virtual CB' about human services' quality and clinical governance, drawing on my books, videos and articles over the years. Ask and receive either written or spoken answers. Pose your own question, or there are question prompts if you're not sure where to start. The responses aren't in-depth, but they give the news headlines - and where possible they link to my resources (the superscript numbers) for more info. As with any virtual platform (VirtualCB uses the Delphi AI platform) you will eventually be asked to open a (free) account. But you can test drive 'VirtualCB' with 10 written or spoken questions first. NB: VirtualCB is only one source of information and AI is not infallible. If you're in any doubt about an answer, or if looking for specific and validated tools, please also search the academic literature and websites of quality-related organisations. Access tools and resources related to 'VirtualCB' answers at www.cathybalding.com

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