In our lives, we embody many roles.
How you show up with your family is different than how you show up with a potential partner.
How you communicate with your employees may be very different than how you communicate with customers.
The depth of information you share with paid audience members is more valuable than that which you make public on your twitter feed.
Introducing Delphi Adapt - create multiple instances of your clone, each suited for its intended audience.
For each instance, you can set:
- Purpose: just as you yourself might have a different objective in each facet of your life.
- Language: you may want an instance for your audience in France and one for your audience in the United States
- Document Access: you can define which memories your instance has access to - so that the public cannot access private info meant for a more exclusive group of people
- Paywall Settings: monetize your instances, or make them the free versions of your premium clone.
and much more...

Create an instance for:
• The general public
• Your private, paid community (with exclusive content)
• Your employees
• Your friends
• Even your family
Learn more about Adapt here, and sign up here to create your clone!