The term "clone" is increasingly used these days in relation to AI - video clones, voice clones, even physical clones. But what exactly does it mean for a product like Delphi to create a "clone"?

When we first launched with the tagline "Clone Yourself", many were skeptical. Cloning often carries negative connotations, whether it's around sci-fi depictions like Star Wars, the ethical debates around biological cloning, or the eerie Black Mirror episode where a wife clones her deceased husband.

However, my vision for Delphi was to create a platform that could authentically represent you—your voice, personality, expertise, and identity. Terms like 'chatbot' suggest automated, nonhuman interactions, which don’t capture the full experience that Delphi provides. Although our technology is based on artificial intelligence, we deliberately avoid using the term 'AI' in our company messaging. We aim to solve a problem, not capitalize on a technological hype cycle.
It was a blog post imagining an "instant cloning" future economy that solidified "clone" as the perfect term. It described copies of figures like Sundar Pichai able to make decisions just as he would, or copies of the US President connecting deeply with any voter or advisor. Copies of creative talents like Beyonce could explore vastly different genres and life experiences to produce albums sharing her essence. Even copies of scientists like Jennifer Doudna could specialize across multiple fields simultaneously.
A Delphi Clone is a digital representation that can reason, speak, and interact just as you would. It’s a verified entity owned and controlled by the person it represents.
Without the individual's control, it would be nothing more than an inauthentic imitation. A deepfake is not a clone, as it normally does not have the consent of the individual it represents, and it purely represents the visual, not intellectual, component of a human.
When you create a Delphi Clone, you are crafting a digital entity infused with your accumulated knowledge, opinions, personality, voice, and visuals—capable of authentically thinking, speaking, and existing as you across any geography or timeline.

A Delphi Clone embodies the limitless potential for your digital persona to interact with the world, free from the constraints of time and space—it is the essence of you, amplified across dimensions.