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5 Tips on How to Make Online Classes More Interactive (11 Tools To Help)

24 September, 2024

Delphi TeamAuthor
5 Tips on How to Make Online Classes More Interactive (11 Tools To Help)

Picture this: you’re running an online coaching business, and your students stare blankly at their screens, barely engaged. Sound familiar? In today’s digital world, keeping online classes interactive is crucial for maintaining student interest and driving results. But how can you transform those passive sessions into dynamic learning experiences? This article will show you how to inject life into your virtual classroom with practical tips and strategies you can use immediately.

You don’t have to do it alone. With the help of digital tools like Delphi’s digital clone, you can enhance interactivity in your online classes and take your coaching business to the next level.

What Is an Interactive Learning Class?

An interactive learning class is a dynamic conversation between the learner and the content. Here, students actively engage with the material instead of passively absorbing it. The method flips traditional learning by encouraging exploration and critical thinking.

The concept revolves around making education more engaging and effective. This happens through techniques that promote active participation. Instead of merely listening to a lecture, you're involved in:

  • Discussions
  • Collaborating on group projects
  • Solving problems in real-time
  • Even participating in virtual simulations\

These activities make learning more exciting and solidify understanding by making you an active participant.

How Does Interactive Learning Differ From Traditional Learning?

Traditional learning often involves one-way communication from teacher to student. Interactive learning changes involve students more directly. The goal is to make education a more:

  • Engaging
  • Memorable
  • Effective experience\

This is achieved by promoting active participation through various techniques.

How Is Interactive Learning Implemented?

Interactive learning is implemented in many ways. Online platforms now incorporate:

Collaborative tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams enable real-time student collaboration and communication.

Why Is Interactive Learning Important?

Interactive learning isn’t just trendy; it’s powerful. Online learning, a key driver of interactive education, is the fastest-growing market in the education industry, having grown by 900% since 2000. By 2027, the number of online learners is expected to reach 57 million. This growth underscores the effectiveness and appeal of interactive learning.

Why Bother With Interactivity?

Why bother with interactivity when creating a course? Well, think of it like driving down a long, boring highway. After a while, the endless road and monotonous scenery make it hard to stay focused. The same goes for learning. If the material is flat and unchanging, your learners' attention will drift, leading to many missed opportunities for effective learning.

Meaningful Interactivity

Now, interactivity isn’t about adding flashy animations or over-the-top visuals to make the course look exciting. It’s about creating moments that engage and retain your learners' attention, helping them stay in the flow and truly absorb the material.

Pacing and Flow in Online Courses

Just like a well-designed road trip has stops to keep things interesting, well-placed interactions in your course serve as pacing techniques. They break up the monotony and keep learners engaged. This concept ties into Flow Theory, which psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi developed. 

When people are "in the flow," they’re completely absorbed in what they’re doing, and their concentration is at its peak. Imagine if your learners could experience that level of focus throughout your course!

The Goldilocks Principle of Interactivity

Interactivity plays a crucial role in achieving this flow state. The idea is to balance the task's difficulty and the learner's abilities. If the course is too easy, they’ll get bored. If it's too hard, they’ll feel frustrated. But if you can keep them right on the edge of their skills, where they’re challenged but not overwhelmed, they’ll stay engaged and more likely to achieve that flow.

Keeping Attention to the Interest Curve

Another reason to incorporate interactivity is to combat the ever-shrinking human attention span. In game design, there's something called the Interest Curve. It’s a way to map out a player’s (or, in this case, a learner’s) level of interest over time.

Here’s how it works:

Initial Interest

Ideally, your learners should be interested in the course from the start, even if it’s something they must take. You can spark this interest with internal PR or by having managers or team leaders recommend it.

The Hook

Once you’ve grabbed their attention, you need to keep it. This is where a fascinating interaction comes in, like an interactive 360-degree image or a video tour. It gives them a taste of what’s to come and helps maintain their interest through the less exciting parts.


Like in a good story or game, you must allow your learners to catch their breath. Don’t stack big, impactful moments one after the other, or you’ll risk overwhelming them.


This is where you deliver your course's most excellent, most engaging interaction. It’s the moment that leaves your learners wanting more, just like the climax of a great movie or game.

The Interest Curve and Engaging Course Design

By using this interest curve as a guide, you can design an interactive course that keeps learners engaged from start to finish. Yes, it requires more planning and effort, but the payoff is worth it. Your learners will stay interested and walk away having truly absorbed the material, just like that last game or movie that made you lose track of time.

Preserve your knowledge and wisdom, and mass personalize communications with Delphi. Get started, and create your digital clone for free today.

Related Reading

Active Learning vs Passive Learning

Hands-On Learning vs. Sit-and-Soak: The Active vs. Passive Debate

Active learning gets you in the mix. You're not just sitting there. You're part of the action. Think group discussions or problem-solving sessions. It’s about getting your hands dirty with the material. When you’re actively learning, you're not just memorizing facts. You're applying them. This approach keeps you engaged and helps cement what you're learning. You remember things better when you’re involved.

Absorption and Focus

Passive learning takes a different route. It's more about absorbing information. Think lectures and reading assignments. The focus is on listening and understanding. While you can cover much quickly, it might stick out. Staying focused is more challenging when you’re not part of the action. It’s like watching a movie instead of starring in one.

Engagement and Effectiveness

In essence, active learning is more interactive. It's about doing and engaging. Passive learning is about listening and absorbing. Both have their place, but active learning can make classes more engaging and effective.

6 Benefits of Incorporating Interactivity Into Your Classes

1. Safe Spaces for Learning

Interactive learning lets people explore and make mistakes without real-world consequences. This approach not only enhances understanding but encourages experimentation. Imagine trying out new strategies, knowing you can refine them as needed. It’s like learning to ride a bike with training wheels, you gain confidence and skill without the risk of falling.

2. Tailored to Your Learning Style

Everyone learns differently, and interactive classes accommodate this. These courses adapt to your unique style, whether you prefer:

  • Watching videos
  • Engaging in simulations
  • Analyzing data\

This flexibility makes learning more personal and practical, ensuring you connect with the material in a way that suits you best.

3. Instant Feedback for Immediate Improvement

One of the standout features of interactive learning is receiving feedback right away. Forget waiting until the end to see how you did—interactive modules offer quizzes and simulations that clue you in immediately. This quick insight helps you identify areas needing improvement and adjust your approach.

4. Building Essential Soft Skills

While technical skills are crucial, don’t underestimate the power of soft skills like:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving\

Interactive courses often involve group activities that foster collaboration and peer learning. These experiences enhance one's ability to work with others and develop trust, invaluable skills in both professional and personal settings.

5. Simplifying the Complex

Some subjects are just plain tough. Interactive learning excels at breaking down complex topics into digestible bits. Interactive methods make it easier to grasp, whether it’s a new software system or a complex scientific concept. You better understand the content by actively engaging with the material through demonstrations and hands-on exercises.

6. Learning That’s Fun

Let’s admit it: sometimes learning feels like a chore. Interactive training changes that. These courses transform learning into an enjoyable experience by incorporating gamification and multimedia. When you look forward to learning, you participate more and get better results.

25 Strategies on How To Make Online Classes More Interactive

1. Create a Personal Clone with Delphi

Bring your unique touch to the course with a digital clone using Delphi. This tool lets you create a virtual version of yourself that reflects your expertise, voice, and style. Your clone can guide learners, answer questions, and offer personalized advice. It’s like having a 24/7 teaching assistant.

2. Empower Learners with Topic Choice

Allow students to choose topics that interest them. This engages them and makes the learning experience more relevant. Later, you can introduce mandatory sections, but giving them freedom initially will boost their engagement.

3. Monitor Progress with Tests and Quizzes

Regular assessments help track progress. Use traditional tests or ask challenging questions related to their studies. You can also engage students with quizzes and polls. Rewarding quiz winners can add motivation.

4. Encourage Student Contributions

Host group study sessions with task-based assignments. This helps students see the practical value of what they learn and keeps them motivated throughout the course.

5. Assign Engaging Homework

Provide interactive online exercises that encourage students to share results with peers. These assignments create opportunities for one-on-one conversations and help track individual progress.

6. Use Interactive Questions

Quizzes should reinforce knowledge and stimulate active learning. Use multiple-choice, matching, or fill-in-the-blank questions. Regular testing increases knowledge retention.

7. Incorporate Active Learning

Engage students with problem-solving, group discussions, and case studies. Active learning is faster and more effective because students are actively engaged.

8. Adopt Cohort-Based Learning

Have students go through the syllabus as a group. This encourages collaboration and teamwork. They can check in with each other regularly, making lessons feel more natural and immediate.

9. Include Live Lessons

Live interactions are invaluable. Use tools like Zoom to run live lessons with quizzes, discussions, and games. This helps students engage with peers in new ways.

10. Combine Different Media Types

Add interactive elements to your visual aids. Use graphs, 3D models, and infographics, but enhance them with links, notes, or recorded explanations. This guides attention and highlights important points.

11. Incorporate Storytelling

Use storytelling to make learning engaging. It helps learners associate engaging stories with specific skills, improving retention.

12. Use Gamification

Motivate learners with game-like mechanics such as goals, points, and badges. Gamification provides instant gratification and increases engagement.

13. Facilitate Live Q&A Sessions

Allow students to ask questions during live sessions. This interaction can significantly increase engagement and help students get the answers they need in real-time.

14. Choose the Right Tools

Select a video conferencing tool like Zoom or Google Hangouts. Learn how to use it properly so you can support your students if they have questions or difficulties.

15. Send Clear Invites

Include a rough agenda, joining instructions, and needed materials. Send a reminder before the session begins to help students prepare.

16. Ensure Security

Keep your online classroom safe. Don’t share meeting invites publicly, and use passwords. Control who joins with a waiting room and know how to manage participants.

17. Present Yourself Well

Turn on your camera and engage directly with students. Maintain their attention by talking into the camera and ensuring good lighting and acoustics.

18. Establish Ground Rules

Set clear expectations for behavior during online sessions. Discuss etiquette, such as how to ask questions and whether to use chat functions.

19. Follow Microlearning Principles

Break content into small, focused bursts to maintain attention. Vary the medium to keep students engaged, using videos, quizzes, and group discussions.

20. Record Sessions

Record classroom sessions for students who miss them or need to review material. Use recordings to critique your technique and ensure all questions are answered.

21. Periodically Check-In

Regularly check student understanding during sessions. Ask challenging questions and use polling tools to gauge comprehension.

22. Monitor the Chat

Set guidelines for chat use and check it regularly. It’s a great way to monitor engagement and solicit questions from students.

23. Utilize Mobile Learning

Embrace mobile learning to make content more accessible. Use discussion forums, QR codes, and learning apps to enhance engagement.

24. Connect Lessons to Real Life

Use real-world examples to make learning relevant. This helps students understand why they are learning and stay engaged.

25. Be Patient and Flexible

Understand that keeping students engaged is challenging. Give them breaks when needed and be patient if they struggle to focus.

How To Create an Interactive Online Classes? 11 Best Interactive Tools


Delphi is a digital cloning platform that allows users to capture their:

  • Unique style
  • Voice
  • Expertise\

This enables them to scale personalized 1-on-1 interactions. Delphi helps content creators, coaches, influencers, CEOs, and executives to:

  • Clone their expertise
  • Maximize their time
  • Increase their availability\

With Delphi, you can preserve your knowledge and personalize communications on a large scale. Key features include: 

  • Mentorship as a service (texting, calling, video calling)
  • Audience management (mass messages, real-time conversations)
  • Alerts and analytics
  • Content strategy data \

Get started with Delphi today to create your digital clone and enhance your personal and professional interactions for free! 

SC Training (Formerly EdApp): Microlearning Made Mobile

SC Training is your go-to for mobile-first microlearning, offering interactive and engaging training environments. It boasts advanced content creation tools, including an AI course creator and over 80 templates. This platform supports AI translation into 100+ languages and features collaborative tools like:

  • Discussion forums 
  • Peer authoring\

With various gamification features, SC Training ensures interactive learning experiences.

360Learning: Team-Based Learning with a Mobile Twist

360Learning is designed for team-based learning and knowledge sharing, providing a smooth experience for both online and offline education. With mobile applications for iOS and Android, you can establish a mobile-first approach with gamification elements. It is ideal for businesses aiming to run interactive employee training.

Trivie: Retention Through Spaced Reinforcement

Trivie automates retention and reduces training costs while offering insights into what employees know and feel. It uses the spacing effect, or spaced reinforcement, to personalize content based on users' knowledge until mastery is achieved. Gamification elements like:

  • Leaderboards
  • Badges enhance interactivity

Teachable: Beginner-Friendly Course Creation

Teachable is perfect for beginners. It is known for its adaptability and user-friendly content builder. It enables creators to curate diverse programs efficiently with features like bundling and selling digital downloads. Its intuitive course editor integrates various content types, and the AI-powered editor boosts curriculum development efficiency.

Thinkific: Versatile Course Creation and Community Building

Thinkific offers versatile course creation with decent marketing opportunities. It includes community features for engaging via posts and events, enhancing the learning environment. The platform enables an immersive learning journey through the seamless integration of:

  • Videos
  • Links
  • Quizzes

LearnWorlds: Robust Self-Paced Learning

LearnWorlds stands out with diverse content options and solid sales and marketing functionalities. It supports website creation with blogging capabilities and offers course accessibility via an app. Focusing on interactive content and assignments enriches the learning experience, fostering better student engagement.

Kajabi: All-in-One Course and Digital Product Creation

Kajabi excels as a comprehensive solution for crafting and selling courses and digital products. It offers robust marketing and sales features, extensive integrations, and adaptable content builders. The platform supports the following for effective selling:

  • Mobile app creation
  • Coupons
  • Promos
  • Affiliate programs
  • Email marketing

Maven Learning: Influencer-Led Course Creation

Maven Learning caters to single creators seeking an all-in-one solution led by influencer marketing and networking experts. The platform provides user-friendly tools for course creation and promotion within its ecosystem. It offers robust support and flexible collaboration options, making it ideal for individual creators.

Adobe Captivate: Responsive and Interactive E-Learning

Adobe Captivate crafts responsive e-learning content without programming. Create immersive courses using virtual reality and 360° media assets. The platform enhances video-based learning by integrating interactivity into self-recorded or YouTube videos, boosting engagement.

LearnUpon: Versatile Training for Solo Creators

LearnUpon offers a wide range of features for creating engaging training programs. Users can mix different content types to produce comprehensive learning paths or microlearning modules. The intuitive interface and robust reporting tools make content management and learner tracking easy.

Related Reading

What To Look for When Choosing an Interactive Software

Know Your Audience

First things first, pinpoint who’s going to be using this software. Are they:

  • Corporate employees
  • Students
  • Healthcare professionals\

Each group has unique needs. For example, if you're targeting medical professionals needing certification, look for features like:

  • E-signatures
  • Accredited courses\

Knowing your audience ensures you pick a platform that offers the right experience.

Must-Have Features

Make sure your software is a Swiss army knife of functionality. It should have:

  • Content creation tools
  • Multimedia support
  • Assessment modules\

Let’s say you like brand customization for corporate training. You’ll want a platform offering white-label options, which keeps your branding consistent across all your training materials.

Seamless Integration

Your new software should play nice with the tools you're already using. Think about the systems you rely on for:

  • Communication
  • Data management
  • Content delivery\

For instance, if you use Zoom a lot, find software that integrates with Loom to boost interactivity and make learning more dynamic.

Regular Updates and Solid Support

Pick a platform that keeps up with the times. It should offer regular updates to improve performance and add new features. Also, check that they provide reliable support. When you hit a snag, you’ll want resources like consultations, user training, and responsive customer service.

Security First

Security should be a top priority, especially when dealing with sensitive user data. Look for software with strong security measures like encryption, authentication, and regular backups. Make sure it’s protected against hacking, too. You can't afford to take risks when it comes to data security.

Related Reading

Create Your Own Digital Clone With Delphi Today

Imagine your coaching expertise captured in a digital clone that sounds just like you. Delphi makes this possible. You can create a digital version of yourself to handle personalized one-on-one interactions, whether it's:

  • Texting
  • Calling
  • Video chatting

Scaling Support With a Digital Clone

This means you can reach more people without straining yourself. Your digital clone can simultaneously handle multiple conversations, giving personalized advice and guidance like in person. 

Enhanced Client Support and Audience Engagement

As a coach, you can provide more support to your clients, freeing up your time to focus on other essential aspects of your business. Plus, your digital clone can help you build a stronger connection with your audience, as it can be available 24/7 to provide support and answer questions.

Personalized Communication at a Grand Scale

Delphi makes it easy to stay connected with your audience. You can send mass messages to keep them informed about:

  • New content
  • Upcoming events
  • Any other important updates

Proactive Support and Engagement

If you notice someone struggling, you can hop into a conversation to provide extra support. You can even set up alerts to notify you when someone needs urgent help. With Delphi, you can manage your audience more efficiently, providing better support and building stronger relationships. This helps create a more engaging learning environment where your audience feels valued and supported.

Analytics with a Twist of Strategy

Delphi doesn't just help you communicate better; it also gives you valuable insights into how your content is performing. You can track engagement metrics like:

  • How many people are viewing your content
  • How long they're staying engaged
  • What types of content they're most interested in\

This data can help you optimize your content strategy, ensuring you deliver the most relevant information to your audience. By understanding what resonates with your audience, you can create more interactive and engaging content that keeps them returning for more.

Getting Started With Your Digital Clone

Creating your digital clone with Delphi is easy. You can get started for free, and the platform provides step-by-step instructions to help you capture your:

  • Unique style
  • Voice
  • Expertise\

Once your digital clone is set up, you can start scaling your coaching business, reaching more people, and providing personalized support at a larger scale. As you grow your audience, you can use Delphi's audience management features to keep track of your clients, ensuring everyone gets the support they need. With Delphi, you can clone yourself and your coaching business, reaching more people and making an enormous impact.

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