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9 Best Strategies For Creating An Interactive Course & Best Tools To Use

31 August, 2024

Delphi TeamAuthor
9 Best Strategies For Creating An Interactive Course & Best Tools To Use

Picture this: you’ve just excitedly launched your online coaching business, only to see minimal engagement with your course. After a few sign-ups, you notice that no one is logging in, and of course, completions are nonexistent. This can be disheartening. While creating a course is an achievement, getting students to engage is a separate challenge. The good news? There’s a way to make your course more appealing and boost engagement rates. You're in the right place if you want to create an interactive course to transform your online coaching business. This article will guide you on making your course engaging for your students—and enjoyable for you to create.

An interactive course involves active participation from students, similar to engaging with a digital clone of the instructor. Instead of passively reading or watching videos, students answer questions, make choices, and complete tasks, encouraging them to act. These elements make the course more enjoyable and enhance information retention. 

What Is an Interactive Learning Course?

An interactive learning course is like a dynamic conversation between the learner and the content, where the student isn't just passively absorbing information but actively engaging with it. Unlike traditional learning methods that often involve one-way communication from the teacher to the student, interactive learning flips the script. It encourages students to:

  • Dive in
  • Explore
  • Think critically about the material

Interactive learning aims to make education a more:

  • Engaging
  • Memorable
  • Effective experience

This is achieved through a variety of techniques that promote active participation. Think of it like this: instead of just listening to a lecture, you're involved in:

  • Discussions
  • Collaborating with peers on group projects
  • Solving problems in real-time
  • Participating in virtual simulations

These activities make learning more exciting and help solidify your understanding by making you an active participant in your education.

For example, many online learning platforms now incorporate:

  • Gamified elements
  • Virtual simulations
  • Interactive webinars

Collaborative tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Teams also facilitate interactive learning by enabling real-time student collaboration and communication.

The Rise of Interactive Learning

Interactive learning isn't just a trendy approach; it's a powerful one. Consider this: Online learning, a key driver of interactive education, is the fastest-growing market in the education industry, having grown a staggering 900% since its inception in 2000. And the momentum isn't slowing down—by 2027, the number of online learners is expected to reach 57 million. This explosive growth underscores the effectiveness and appeal of interactive learning.

Interactive courses offer a modern, engaging, and highly effective learning method in a rapidly evolving world. They make the process about acquiring knowledge and actively building it.

Why Bother With Interactivity?

Why bother with interactivity when creating a course? Well, think of it like driving down a long, boring highway. After a while, the endless road and monotonous scenery make it hard to stay focused. The same goes for learning; if the material is flat and unchanging, your learners' attention will stay focused, leading to many missed opportunities for effective learning.

Don’t get me wrong; interactivity isn’t about adding flashy animations or over-the-top visuals to make the course look exciting. It’s about creating moments that engage and retain your learners' attention, helping them stay in the flow and truly absorb the material.

Interactivity as a Pacing Technique

Just like a well-designed road trip has stops to keep things interesting, well-placed interactions in your course serve as pacing techniques. They break up the monotony and keep learners engaged. This concept ties into Flow Theory, which psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi developed.

When people are "in the flow," they’re completely absorbed in what they’re doing, and their concentration is at its peak. Imagine if your learners could experience that level of focus throughout your course! Interactivity plays a crucial role in achieving this flow state. 

The Importance of Challenge and Engagement in Interactive Learning

The idea is to balance the task's difficulty and the learner's abilities. If the course is too easy, they’ll get bored. If it's too hard, they’ll feel frustrated. But if you can keep them right on the edge of their skills, where they’re challenged but not overwhelmed, they’ll stay engaged and more likely to achieve that flow.

Combatting Attention Spans With Interactivity

Another reason to incorporate interactivity is to combat the ever-shrinking human attention span. In game design, there's something called the Interest Curve. It’s a way to map out a player’s level of interest over time.

Here’s how it works: 

Initial Interest

Ideally, your learners should be interested in the course from the get-go, even if it’s something they must take. You can spark this interest with internal PR or by having managers or team leaders recommend the course. 

The Hook

Once I’ve grabbed their attention, I must keep it. This is where a fascinating interaction—like an interactive 360-degree image or a video tour—comes in. It gives them a taste of what’s to come and helps maintain their interest through the less exciting parts. 


For example, you must allow your learners to catch their breath in a good story or game. Don’t stack big, impactful moments one after the other, or you’ll risk overwhelming them. 


This is where you deliver the most excellent, most engaging interaction in your course. It’s the moment that leaves your learners wanting more, just like the climax of a great movie or game. By using this interest curve as a guide, you can design an interactive course that keeps learners engaged from start to finish.

Yes, it requires more planning and effort, but the payoff is worth it. Your learners will stay interested and walk away having truly absorbed the material, just like that last game or movie that made you lose track of time. 

Level Up Your Content Creation With Delphi

Delphi is a digital cloning platform that allows users to capture their unique style, voice, and expertise, enabling them to scale personalized 1-1. Delphi enables content creators, coaches, influencers, CEOs, executives, and more to scale/clone their:

  • Expertise
  • Time
  • Availability

Preserve your knowledge and wisdom, and mass personalize communications with Delphi. Delphi's mentorship as a service allows knowledge-based professionals to clone themselves (texting, calling, video calling) with audience management features such as:

  • Mass messages
  • Hop into conversation
  • Alerts
  • Analytics and content strategy data

Get started, and create your digital clone for free today. 

Related Reading

Benefits of Interactive Training and Courses

No Risk, High Reward: Interactive Learning’s Safety Net

Interactive learning allows students to make mistakes in a safe environment. Mistakes are often the best teachers and interactive courses provide a risk-free space to experiment, learn, and grow. This approach ensures learners can practice and refine their skills without fearing real-world consequences, leading to a deeper understanding and more muscular material retention. 

Accommodates Different Learning Styles: Personalizing the Educational Experience

We all have unique ways of learning:

The Versatility of Interactive Courses

Interactive courses are versatile, incorporating various learning styles into a single program. This inclusivity means that whether you learn best through videos, interactive simulations, or analytical data, you can engage with the content in a way that resonates with you. This adaptability makes the learning process more personalized and effective.

Provides Immediate Feedback: Get Insights While You Learn

One of the standout features of interactive learning is the ability to receive instant feedback. Rather than waiting until the end of a course to find out how well you've done, interactive modules often include:

  • Quizzes
  • Simulations
  • Other assessments that provide real-time feedback

This immediate insight allows learners to:

  • Quickly identify areas for improvement
  • Reinforce their understanding
  • Adjust their approach as they progress

This continuous feedback loop is crucial for mastering new skills and concepts.

Enhances Soft Skills: Building Crucial Life Skills

While technical skills are essential, soft skills like:

  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving is equally important

Developing Soft Skills Through Interactive Training

Interactive training is efficient for developing these often-overlooked skills. For instance, group-based interactive courses encourage:

  • Collaboration and peer learning
  • Helping participants build trust
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Learn from each other's experiences

Simplifies Complex Topics: Breaking Down Difficult Subjects

Some subjects or skills are inherently complex and require more than just a lecture or a textbook to master. Interactive training excels at breaking down intricate topics into manageable, understandable segments.

For example, a course on a new software system or a complicated scientific concept can be made more accessible through:

  • Interactive demonstrations
  • Hands-on exercises
  • Scenario-based learning

Makes Learning Fun: Gamifying the Educational Process

Let’s face it, learning can sometimes feel like a chore, especially when you're busy with other responsibilities. Interactive training, however, has a way of making the process enjoyable. Transform learning into an experience people look forward to by:

  • Incorporating gamification
  • Multimedia
  • Engaging content
  • Interactive courses

When training is fun, it’s not just a box to check off; it becomes an activity that learners are excited to participate in, leading to better outcomes and a more positive attitude toward continuous education.

Related Reading

How To Make an Interactive Course: 9 Best Strategies To Incorporate

1. Build a Digital Clone With Delphi

Online courses can feel impersonal, but you can build a digital clone to bring your personality into the course and interact with learners. Delphi is a new tool that allows you to create a virtual version of yourself that mimics your:

  • Expertise
  • Voice
  • Style

Imagine having your digital clone guide learners through the following:

  • Course
  • Answer questions
  • Offer personalized advice

It’s like having you as a 24/7 teaching assistant, making the learning experience more interactive and tailored.

2. Use Quizzes as Interactive Tools, Not Assessments

Quizzes don’t have to be a dreaded end-of-module ordeal. Instead, use them as engaging checkpoints throughout the course. Short, varied quizzes can be placed at different stages, beginning, middle, or end, to keep learners engaged and provide immediate feedback. For instance, start with a pre-knowledge quiz to set the stage and insert quick check-ins to break up the content. This approach not only reinforces learning but keeps learners actively participating.

3. Gamify Your Course

Gamify your course to tap into the natural human desire for achievement and competition. Incorporate elements like:

  • Badges for completing modules
  • Points for engaging with content
  • Leaderboards to foster a fun and competitive atmosphere

These features trigger positive feelings and motivation, making learning feel more rewarding and less like a chore.

4. Provide Continuous Feedback

Interactive learning thrives on communication. Ensure there’s a continuous flow of feedback between you and your learners. Allow them to ask questions and provide responses promptly. Consider automating feedback with tools that send instant notifications after quizzes or assignments. This keeps learners informed and motivated, reducing the wait time for their queries and feedback.

5. Incorporate Live Lessons

Incorporate live elements into your course to boost interaction. Regular live sessions, whether through:

  • Full classes
  • Webinars
  • Q&A sessions

These allow learners to interact directly with you and their peers. Platforms like Zoom or Google Meet can facilitate real-time discussions and provide a sense of community and immediacy.

6. Chunk Your Content with Microlearning

Break your content into bite-sized, manageable chunks. Microlearning keeps lessons short, ideally under ten minutes, to match the brief attention spans of modern learners. Incorporate small quizzes and interactive elements within these chunks to reinforce concepts and keep learners engaged. This approach helps build a consistent learning habit and prevents overwhelm.

7. Create a Course Forum

Set up a forum for your course to encourage peer-to-peer interaction. Forums allow learners to:

  • Discuss topics
  • Ask questions
  • Support each other

To keep the forum lively and valuable, create discussion prompts and integrate them with your course content. Gamify participation to incentivize engagement and moderate and contribute to keep the discussions vibrant.

8. Include Visual Elements

Mix up your content with a variety of visual elements. Incorporate the following:

  • Drag-and-drop activities
  • Videos
  • Audio recordings
  • Interactive visuals

Different formats cater to various learning styles and make the material more engaging. For example, use videos to explain complex topics or interactive diagrams to illustrate concepts.

9. Create Role-Play Simulations

The great thing about role-plays is that they’re a safe yet realistic environment to:

  • Practice communication skills
  • Apply knowledge in a particular context
  • Get meaningful feedback not only as a score but as a reaction from a virtual person

Create a standalone role-play that can also be an assessment, as every correct answer is awarded points. You can also add simulations to a course, just like mini-games, so learners can immediately stop and apply their knowledge.

What Is Interactive Training Software?

Interactive training software facilitates collaborative and engaging learning and helps replicate the traditional learning experience online. How is it different from other e-learning solutions?

Good interactive learning software usually allows you to:

  • Set goals for learners
  • Gamify the learning process
  • Foster collaborative experience
  • Facilitate knowledge exchange among learners
  • Assess learners’ knowledge levels
  • Encourage healthy competition
  • Reward completion of the learning path

11 Best Interactive Training Software for Creating an Interactive Course

1. Delphi: Your Digital Clone for Personalized Coaching

Delphi is a digital cloning platform that allows users to capture their unique style, voice, and expertise, enabling them to scale personalized 1-1. It allows content creators, coaches, influencers, CEOs, executives, and more to scale/clone their:

  • Expertise
  • Time
  • Availability

Preserve your knowledge and wisdom and mass personalize communications with Delphi. Delphi's mentorship as a service allows knowledge-based professionals to clone themselves for:

  • Texting
  • Calling
  • Video calling and more

With audience management features such as mass messages, hop-in conversations, alerts, analytics, and content strategy data, you can create your own digital clone for free today.

2. EdApp (Now SC Training): A Mobile-First Learning Strategy

SC Training (EdApp) is a mobile-first microlearning platform for quick and interactive training programs. It offers:

  • Comprehensive features
  • Intuitive interface
  • Robust analytics

Its advanced content creation tools include an AI course creator and over 80 templates, providing flexibility with interactive and engaging learning environments. This solution can boast about AI translation into 100+ languages and collaborative features like discussion forums and peer authoring. SC Training provides a broad array of gamification features that also enhance interactivity.

3. 360Learning: Interactive Training for Team-Based Learning

360Learning is one of the interactive training tools designed for team-based learning and knowledge sharing. This platform is designed to create a smooth learning experience for online & offline education.

With its iOS and Android mobile applications, 360Learning also allows you to establish a mobile-first learning approach with gamification elements. This approach is best for businesses and enterprises that aim to run interactive employee training using mobile technology.

4. Trivie: Automating Retention for Interactive Training

Trivie is another interactive training application that:

  • Reduces training costs
  • It gives companies insight into what their employees know and feel

At the core of retrieval practice is a technique called the spacing effect or spaced reinforcement, which is the exact opposite of “one and done” training. The adaptive learning methodology personalizes the content and cadence of learning based on what each user knows or does not know until he or she masters a topic. Another important interactive element is gamification (leaderboards, badges, awards).

5. Teachable

Teachable is an excellent starting point for beginners and is celebrated for its adaptability and user-friendly content builder. Renowned for its comprehensive course-building features, Teachable allows creators to curate diverse programs efficiently. With a primary focus on course creation, Teachable enables bundling and selling bundles and digital downloads. Its intuitive course editor seamlessly integrates various content types like:

  • Audio
  • PDFs
  • Videos
  • Quizzes
  • Media files

Notably, the AI-powered editor enhances the efficiency of curriculum development.

6. Thinkific

Thinkific is a versatile software for creating online courses, offering decent marketing opportunities within its learning solution for course creation and sales. It provides a cost-effective avenue for creators, emphasizing its excellent:

  • Course-building capabilities
  • Webpage tools
  • Added tax support

Building Skills Through Interactive Courses

This online course software also includes community features and diverse content integration options. Users can engage via posts and event organization through its community feature, enhancing the learning environment. It also allows seamless inclusion of videos, links, and quizzes, ensuring an immersive learning journey.

7. LearnWorlds

LearnWorlds emerges as a robust, self-paced online course creation tool, offering 

diverse content options and strong sales and marketing functionalities. Setting itself apart with various content formats and robust reporting tools, LearnWorlds rivals some of the best software for creating online courses. 

Comprehensive Learning Platform

LearnWorlds mirrors the marketing and sales support akin to top-tier alternatives, allowing website creation with blogging capabilities and offering course accessibility via an app. With a focus on interactive content and assignments, this course builder software enriches the learning experience, facilitating better student engagement. Instructors can facilitate community discussions, conduct exams, and issue course completion certificates.

8. Kajabi

Recognized as a leading all-in-one course-building software, Kajabi excels catering to creators across various domains. Kajabi offers a comprehensive suite of crafting and selling courses alongside a range of digital products online. With robust marketing and sales features, extensive integrations, and adaptable content builders, it's a go-to choice for diverse creator needs.

Remarkably, this course software extends support for mobile app creation, elevating the learning experience. It enables the development of multiple digital products, including podcasts, setting it apart from other platforms. Additionally, it facilitates:

  • Coupons
  • Promos
  • Affiliate programs
  • Email marketing for effective selling

9. Maven Learning

Maven Learning is a leading online course creation tool for single creators seeking an all-in-one platform. Led by experts, It provides user-friendly tools for creating online courses and a marketplace for effective course promotion.

Maven Learning's business model revolves around:

  • Influencer marketing
  • Online learning
  • Networking

Focus on Course Creation

While Maven Learning pricing might lack transparency, it offers robust support and flexible collaboration options with students. This makes it an ideal choice for individual creators, allowing them to focus on course creation while minimizing concerns about promotion strategies.

10. Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captivate is intelligent software for creating online courses. It effortlessly crafts fully responsive e-learning content, eliminating the need for programming. You can easily create futuristic learning experiences, utilizing virtual reality and 360° media assets for immersive course design.

Adobe Captivate enhances video-based learning by seamlessly integrating interactivity into self-recorded or YouTube-sourced videos, boosting learner engagement. Another advantage is the opportunity to craft mobile-ready courses using swiftly:

  • Quick Start projects
  • Pre-designed slides
  • Interactive elements

11. LearnUpon

LearnUpon is the best software for creating online training for single creators, offering a wide range of features to create versatile and engaging training programs. Users can mix and match content types to produce comprehensive learning paths or microlearning modules, including:

  • Webinars
  • SCORM and xAPI files
  • Videos
  • Documents

User-Friendly Learning Platform

The platform supports easy uploading and embedding of various file formats and includes blended learning options for live, instructor-led sessions. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and robust reporting capabilities, LearnUpon makes content management and learner tracking straightforward.

What To Look for When Choosing an Interactive Software

Know Your Audience

When selecting interactive training software, start by identifying your target audience. Understand their:

  • Specific needs
  • Goals
  • Skill levels

This will help you choose software that meets your requirements and provides a good user experience. For instance, if your audience includes medical professionals who need certification, look for a platform that supports e-signatures and offers accredited courses.

Functionality is Key

Next, ensure the software provides all the tools for creating, delivering, and assessing interactive content. Key functionalities include:

  • Content creation tools
  • Multimedia support
  • Assessment modules
  • Customization options

If brand customization is crucial for your corporate training, seek a platform offering white-label options. This will allow you to maintain consistent branding across your training materials.

Integration Capabilities Matter

Integrating with other tools and services you already use is vital. The software should seamlessly connect with your existing systems, whether they are for:

  • Communication
  • Data management
  • Content delivery

For example, if you frequently use Zoom for video communication, look for software that can integrate with Loom to enhance interactivity and make the learning experience more dynamic.

Stay Updated and Supported

Choose software that is regularly updated to improve performance and add new features. Reliable technical support is also crucial. Ensure the provider offers resources like:

  • Consultations
  • User training
  • Responsive customer service

Prioritize Data Security

Security is paramount, especially when handling sensitive user information. The software should offer robust security measures such as:

  • Encryption
  • Authentication
  • Regular backups
  • Protection against hacking

Related Reading

Create Your Own Digital Clone With Delphi Today

Delphi is a digital cloning platform that allows users to capture their unique style, voice, and expertise, enabling them to scale personalized one-on-one.

Delphi enables content creators, coaches, influencers, CEOs, and executives to scale their expertise and personalize communication.

With Delphi’s mentorship-as-a-service, you can clone yourself for:

  • Texting
  • Calling
  • Video chats and more

Manage your audience with mass messaging, real-time conversations, alerts, analytics, and content strategy tools.

Get started, and create your digital clone for free today!

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