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Developing And Nurturing Your Coaching Presence (10 Best Practices)

7 September, 2024

Delphi TeamAuthor
Developing And Nurturing Your Coaching Presence (10 Best Practices)

As your online coaching business grows, you may notice that some clients get better results than others. While this could be due to various reasons, some of them out of your control, have you considered the impact of your coaching presence on your client’s performance? Simply put, coaching presence refers to your ability to create a calm and focused environment for your clients. This blog will provide insights into the importance of coaching presence for your online coaching business and tips to help you improve yours.

Delphi’s digital clone is a valuable tool for enhancing your coaching presence. This resource helps you achieve your goals by creating a virtual replica of yourself to engage with your clients and support them as they progress through your coaching program.

What Is Meant By Coaching Presence?

Coaching presence is about fully engaged and in tune with your client during a session. It’s not just about listening to what’s being said but also picking up on what’s left unsaid—the subtle cues, emotions, or thoughts that might be lingering beneath the surface.

It’s a skill that goes beyond simply following a script; it’s about being fully mindful and clear-headed so you can connect deeply and help your client explore their thoughts and feelings.

Adapting to Needs

At its core, coaching presence is about adapting yourself to meet the client’s needs at that moment. Rather than wondering, “How do I seem right now?” a coach with a strong presence is focused on the client, asking, “What does my client need from me in this moment?”

This could mean being calm and steady when the client needs grounding or taking a more challenging approach to disrupt their thinking and spark new insights.

Industry Growth

In a growing coaching industry, valued at $6.25 billion in 2024, with a significant compound annual growth rate of 15.43%, the ability to master coaching presence is becoming a key differentiator.

Whether in personal or business coaching, dynamically shifting and shaping your presence to serve the client’s needs can foster trust, open up new possibilities, and ultimately lead to more impactful outcomes.

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What Are Some Signs That Coaching Presence Is Being Demonstrated?

Active Listening Without Interruption: The Hallmark of Coaching Presence

When a coach demonstrates coaching presence, they thoroughly listen to their client. You can tell when a coach is genuinely present because they give their undivided attention to the client’s words.

Their body language, leaning in and making eye contact, shows genuine interest in the conversation, signaling the client that they’re engaged. An actively listening coach will not interrupt the client when the client asks questions or shares thoughts. Instead, the coach will allow the client to speak freely without distraction.

Responsive and Thoughtful Interaction: The Next Level of Presence

Another key indicator of coaching presence is the coach's responsiveness. The coach acknowledges the client’s thoughts, paraphrases or summarizes to show understanding, and asks follow-up questions directly tied to what was communicated.

This responsiveness indicates that the coach is not just hearing the words but processing and engaging with them meaningfully.

Emotional Awareness and Empathy: A Critical Component of Coaching Presence

The coach’s awareness of emotions also plays a huge role in coaching presence. A present coach picks up on non-verbal cues like:

  • Tone of voice
  • Facial expressions
  • Body language to understand how the client is feeling

They demonstrate empathy, welcome any surface emotions, and help the client explore these feelings without judgment.

Comfort with the Unexpected: Embracing the Unknown

When the coach is comfortable with whatever happens during the session, a strong emotional response or an unexpected opinion is another sign of presence.

They approach these moments with curiosity, not defensiveness or dismissal, which creates a safe, open space for the client to express themselves fully.

Adapting the Pace and Allowing Reflection: Creating Space for Insights

The coach adjusts the pace of the conversation, allowing for moments of silence and reflection. This thoughtful pacing shows that they aren’t rushing to conclusions but giving the client the time they need for deeper insights to emerge.

All these signs together demonstrate a coach’s ability to be fully present and engaged in the moment, which is critical for effective coaching.

Why Is It Important To Exhibit Coaching Presence?

Establishing Trust and Connection

Exhibiting coaching presence is important because it lays the foundation for trust and connection in the coaching relationship. When you’re fully present, you create a space where your client:

  • Feels safe to open up 
  • Share their thoughts and feelings
  • Challenges without fear of judgment

That sense of safety allows for the following:

  • Honest conversations 
  • Deeper insights

Engaging with Authenticity

Your genuine engagement in the conversation shows your client that you're invested in their growth. It’s not just about going through the motions, it’s about being authentic and truly caring about what they’re experiencing.

This authenticity strengthens the relationship and encourages the client to dig deeper into their own self-awareness and personal development.

Fostering Empathy

When you're attuned to their emotions, you’re sending a powerful signal that you understand them on a deeper level. That empathy fosters trust and opens the door to more impactful, transformative coaching.

Client Impact

It helps your client feel seen, heard, and understood, which can lead to:

  • Greater breakthroughs 
  • Progress

Simply put, your coaching presence sets the tone for meaningful, lasting change.

Scale Your Impact with Delphi

Delphi is a digital cloning platform that allows users to capture their unique style, voice, and expertise, enabling them to scale personalized 1-1. Delphi enables content creators, coaches, influencers, CEOs, executives, and more to scale/clone their:

  • Expertise
  • Time
  • Availability

Mass Personalize

Preserve your knowledge and wisdom, and mass personalize communications with Delphi. Delphi's mentorship as a service allows knowledge-based professionals to clone themselves (texting, calling, video calling) with audience management features such as:

  • Mass messages
  • Hop into conversation
  • Alerts
  • Analytics and content strategy data

Get started, and create your digital clone for free today.  

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How To Develop A Coaching Presence In 10 Ways

1. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness exercises like meditation help coaches stay present in the moment and tune into their own:

  • Thoughts
  • Feelings
  • Physical sensations

This practice enhances their ability to focus on their clients, creating a more connected coaching experience.

2. Reflect on Your Sessions

Reflecting on coaching sessions helps professionals evaluate their presence during client interactions.

Coaches can identify distractions that impact their focus and discover ways to improve their presence in future sessions. Journaling about sessions or discussing them with a mentor can be especially helpful.

3. Build Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is recognizing your and others’ emotions and using this awareness to inform your behavior. Building emotional intelligence helps coaches connect with clients deeper, enhancing their presence.

As you become more aware of your emotional states, you’ll be better equipped to:

  • Understand your client’s feelings 
  • Respond with compassion

4. Hone Active Listening Skills

Active listening is one of the most effective ways to improve your coaching presence—work on refining your active listening by giving your full attention to your clients without interruption.

Show that you’re engaged through thoughtful responses and non-verbal cues, like nodding or maintaining eye contact. This kind of listening reinforces your presence and helps clients feel genuinely heard.

5. Tune Into Your Body

Coaching presence isn’t just about what you think and say. It’s also about what your body is doing as you work with clients. Pay attention to your body’s signals during coaching sessions. Notice your:

  • Posture
  • Breathing
  • Physical sensations

Techniques like grounding exercises can help you remain focused and focused and present without getting lost in distractions or mental noise.

6. Seek Guidance from Mentors

Working with experienced coaches through supervision or mentoring can help you receive feedback on your coaching presence. A mentor can offer valuable insights you may overlook, helping you grow and refine your ability to stay fully present with clients. 

7. Be Flexible and Lean Into Your Intuition

As you develop your coaching presence, you’ll want to be flexible and lean into your intuition. Trust your gut and believe in your wisdom as long as it comes from the intent to serve the client.

8. Watch Out for the Need to Please

As you improve your coaching presence, you’ll want to watch out for the need to please. Avoid the trap of saying the right thing. Instead, say what needs to be said. Our clients come to us because we should be:

  • Able to say things to them no one else will
  • Be the mirror they need you to be
  • Be courageous

9. Reflect on Whether Your Presence Is Serving the Client

If not, shift to what would be more helpful. After the session, reflect on whether your presence served the client and whether something could have been better.

10. Work on Yourself

If things prevent you from being useful (fears, the need to please, etc.), work on them with your coach or therapist.

Nurturing Your Coaching Presence

Cultivating Authenticity

Developing an authentic presence involves a strong level of self-awareness. Understanding and respecting the boundaries of your role and purpose as a coach is also a key element.

An ongoing reflective practice also helps identify any barriers to remaining present and those issues that hold you back. 

  • Regular supervision is essential
  • Supporting your ongoing self-awareness
  • Uncoupling of complex personal or systemic elements can sometimes muddy the coaching waters

Stay Calm

A calm presence is crucial. Physically centering and grounding yourself using somatic techniques like breathing exercises can help focus on the connection between the mind and body and calm the emotions.

This heightened awareness of feelings in your body helps you become more grounded and stay present.

Create a Trusting Environment 

The environment matters as well. Figuring out what supports you to be centered and grounded in your coaching is a key ingredient to effective coaching, asking yourself how to shape a confidential and trusting coaching context, whether face-to-face or virtual, is foundational.

It is about ensuring that you facilitate the conducive conditions for your signature presence to show up and intentionally welcome your client into the session. You create a context in which trust, safety, and new possibilities are the air you breathe.

3 Tips To Strengthen Coaching Presence (Especially For Virtual Coaching)

1. Bring the Feelings Forward: Reconnect With Emotions

Emotions can get trapped in the digital thin straw of virtual communication. As a coach, it helps to bring them out in the open. Get comfortable naming feelings, even yours, to give you and your client emotional clarity.

You might say, “When I hear you say ___, I feel ___. How about you?” This opens up space for both you and your client to explore emotions more intensely. I’ll be honest; it’s not always easy. It takes effort to name feelings at the moment, but when you do, it often creates a breakthrough in connection. 

Visual Metaphors

You can take this up a notch by getting creative with tools like metaphors, emotion cards, or even an icon finder to help convey feelings visually. Sending your client a set of emotion cards can be a fun, tangible way to bring emotions into focus!

2. Inner Stillness & Focus: Calm Your Nerves for Better Presence

On camera, every little movement is amplified. If you fidget, it looks much bigger than it would in person. I learned this from media training, where I practiced staying still. But it’s not just about physical stillness; it’s also about finding inner calm.

It shines through when you come to the session with peace and focus. Leaning forward, using open body language, and making eye contact by looking at the camera (yes, that awkward little lens!) can make a big difference.

Virtual Eye Contact

It might feel strange to look at the camera rather than your client’s face on screen, but it creates eye contact for them. It’s a slight shift but essential to create a connection in the virtual world.

3. Start With Heart: Remember the Human Element of Coaching

Coaching is about human connection, and it’s easy to get bogged down in logistics. But when you tap into your genuine care for your clients, everything changes. I love coaching because I genuinely believe in my clients' potential, which brings warmth to the session when I remind myself of that.

Heartfelt Presence

Focusing on compassion, optimism, and belief in your client can help you become more present. That energy is contagious, inviting your client to open up more and be fully engaged. It’s about starting each session with your heart, not just your head.

What Are The 3 C's Of Coaching?

1.  Curiosity: The Key to Open-Minded Coaching

Curiosity opens doors. In coaching, it leads to discovery and new possibilities. It’s about staying open to what could be instead of getting stuck on problems. Curious coaches don’t just accept things as they are. They wonder how people can grow, how situations can be approached differently, and what breakthroughs might happen if people truly communicate.

Curiosity fuels the coaching process, from initial conversations to goal setting to finding practical solutions. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, a curious coach will get to know their client and explore ways to help them improve.

2. Compassion: The Heart of Effective Coaching

Compassion is all about connection. Coaches who approach their clients with compassion recognize that everyone struggles at some point, and they approach people with kindness, even when their efforts fall short.

Compassion allows coaches to support confident, hesitant, or fearful individuals, understanding that everyone is doing their best. In short, it creates a safe space for coaching.

3. Courage: The Underrated Secret to Coaching Success

Courage is at the heart of coaching. Contrary to the perception that coaching is soft, it takes bravery to address brutal truths, remain engaged when emotions flare up, and push for change even when it seems impossible.

Courage allows coaches to stay committed to progress, no matter how tough the conversation or situation becomes.

Create Your Own Digital Clone with Delphi Today

Digital cloning sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, but it can help you scale your coaching business. This innovative technology captures your unique voice, personality, and expertise to create a digital copy that can communicate with your audience and clients on your behalf.

Delphi's digital clones can respond to messages, engage in conversations, and even conduct video calls, all while using your tone and style. For busy coaches, this means less time spent on repetitive communications and more time focusing on delivering quality services to their clients.

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