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A Simple Step-By-Step Guide On How To Sell An Online Course

8 October, 2024

Delphi TeamAuthor
A Simple Step-By-Step Guide On How To Sell An Online Course

Trying to sell an online course can feel like shouting into an empty room. You’ve put hours into crafting something special, but getting people to click ‘buy’ is a different ball game. Whether you’re a seasoned pro looking to boost sales or a newbie trying to make your mark, mastering this skill is crucial for any online coaching business. So how do you sell an online course and avoid the dreaded sound of crickets? In this blog, we’ll share strategies that don’t just tell you what to do but show you how to do it so you can ensure your course gets the attention it deserves.

If that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. We’ll also introduce you to Delphi’s digital clone, a tool that can simplify selling online courses.

What is an Online Course?

Online courses are structured learning experiences you complete entirely over the Internet. This lets you access educational content from anywhere in the world. They vary in length, content, and format, making them adaptable to many topics and learning needs.

What Topics Can Online Courses Cover? Spoiler Alert: Anything!

Online courses can cover virtually any subject. 

  • Technical fields like engineering and programming
  • Creative skills like baking and art
  • Practical training like dog behavior and business management\

The growth of the online education market reflects its popularity, with projections indicating it will reach $200 billion by 2024.

Self-Paced vs. Live Courses: Choosing the Right Format

Self-Paced (Asynchronous)

In this course, you can access materials and complete lessons at your own pace without real-time interaction with the instructor. Lessons are usually delivered via pre-recorded videos, readings, and assignments. This flexibility is ideal if you want to study on your schedule.

Live (Synchronous)

These courses involve real-time interaction, often through live webinars or group calls. You attend virtual sessions at scheduled times, which can provide a more collaborative learning experience. These courses might include live discussions, Q&A sessions, and peer interaction.

How are Online Courses Delivered? The Tools You’ll Use

Pre-Recorded Video Lessons

These are the backbone of many online courses, providing visual and auditory instruction that you can review anytime.

Live Webinars

These sessions allow instructors to teach in real time and engage directly with students, fostering interaction.

Discussion Forums

Many courses include a community aspect where you can share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate.

PDFs & Reading Materials

Supplementary written resources are often provided to give additional information or assignments.

Why Create and Sell Online Courses

Unlock Global Accessibility

Online courses can open doors to learning that were once shut. People from all corners of the world can access your course whenever they want. 

This flexibility allows more people to learn new skills or gain valuable knowledge without the hassle of commuting or dealing with rigid schedules. It’s a game-changer for those who can’t commit to traditional education due to time or financial constraints.

Adapt to Your Audience

Online courses offer unmatched flexibility. Depending on your audience's needs, you can design them to be self-paced or live. 

Formats can vary widely, from video lessons to downloadable resources. This adaptability allows you to tailor your course to your target audience's specific learning styles and preferences, providing a more personalized experience for your students.

Scale Without Limits

Scalability is a huge advantage of online courses. Once you create your course, it can be sold repeatedly, generating passive income with little additional effort. 

This scalability means you can reach more people and make more money without working harder. You can focus on marketing and improving your course rather than constantly creating new content.

Make a Global Impact

Creating an online course lets you extend your reach and impact as an expert. With a single product, you can help people from all over the world achieve their goals. 

This broad reach enhances your ability to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. It’s fantastic to know you’re helping people learn and grow, no matter where they are.

Boost Your Bottom Line

Online courses are also highly profitable. The profit margins can be significant, and compared to other business models, they have low operational costs. 

Once developed, your course can generate income with minimal ongoing expenses, mainly if marketed effectively. This profitability makes online courses an intelligent investment for anyone looking to grow their business.

Build Your Brand

Developing and selling online courses can also establish you as an authority in your field. This personal branding can open doors to additional opportunities, such as:

  • Speaking engagements
  • Consulting work
  • Collaborations\

It’s a great way to build your reputation and credibility as an expert.

Learn and Grow

Creating an online course encourages you to refine your knowledge and skills. It requires critical thinking about presenting information effectively and structuring content logically, which can deepen your understanding of the subject matter. This continuous learning and skill development can benefit both you and your students.

Build a Community

Online courses often foster community among students through discussion forums or group interactions. This engagement enhances the learning experience and helps build a network of like-minded individuals who can support each other. It’s a great way to connect with others who share your interests and goals.

Market Your Course

With the rise of digital marketing tools, promoting your online course is more accessible. You can use social media, email marketing, and affiliate programs to reach potential students effectively, increasing your visibility and sales potential.

Scale Your Coaching with a Digital Clone

Looking to scale your coaching expertise? Delphi offers a digital clone platform to capture your:

  • Unique style
  • Voice
  • Expertise\

Create personalized 1-1 experiences and preserve your wisdom. Get started and create your digital clone for free today!

Related Reading

How Profitable is Selling Online Courses?

Selling online courses can be a goldmine if done right. It's not just about slapping together some videos and hoping for the best. The real money comes from understanding your audience and giving them what they need. The beauty of online courses is scalability. Once created, you can sell the same course to countless people, which makes it an attractive option for passive income.

Establishing Credibility: Be the Go-To Expert

Why should anyone buy your course? People look for authority and expertise. Being seen as trustworthy is crucial. If you’re not credible, even the best course might flop. Start with engagement: offer value upfront through free content, and let people see you know your stuff.

Build Your Audience: Your Future Customers

You need a loyal audience. Without it, selling online courses is like shouting into the void. 

  • Social media
  • Email lists
  • Blog\

You have to keep giving people reasons to listen to you. Once they trust you, they’re more likely to buy from you.

Align with Audience Needs: Solve Their Problems

You can’t just guess what people want. You have to know. Listen to your audience's pain points and create courses that address these issues. If your course content matches what people seek, selling it becomes much more manageable.

Marketing and Timing: Launch Like a Pro

Timing is everything. A well-planned launch can make or break your course. Build anticipation before your course goes live. Use webinars, free content, or limited-time offers to create buzz. A solid marketing strategy is essential for a successful course launch. 

A 9-Step-By-Step Guide on How to Sell an Online Course

1. Map Out the Buyer’s Journey

Before diving into creating your course, it's crucial to understand the process potential customers go through when deciding to buy. This "buyer’s journey" typically consists of three phases: 


People recognize they have a problem but are unaware of possible solutions. During this phase, your content should focus on educating and providing value. Share blog posts, social media insights, or podcasts that speak broadly to the issues your target audience is facing.


The audience is actively searching for solutions. Showcase testimonials, success stories, or case studies from people who have benefited from your expertise. This builds credibility and helps position you as the go-to person in your niche.


This is where the final push happens. Answer any lingering questions or objections and highlight your course's unique value. At this point, you're not just selling a product but assuring potential buyers that their investment will lead to the results they want.

The buyer’s journey is integral to the sale, so ensure that your content and marketing strategy aligns with each phase.

2. Focus on a Core Problem and Offer a Lasting Solution

When creating an online course, the key to success lies in identifying your audience's pain point and offering a solution that stands the test of time. Avoid chasing temporary trends. Instead, focus on problems your target market consistently faces.

You can gather insights directly from your audience by engaging with them on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, or through email lists. Ask questions like:

  • What do you need help with?
  • What more can you provide?\

By listening carefully to their feedback, you'll uncover valuable ideas that can shape the course content and ensure it remains relevant for years. Offering timeless principles rather than quick hacks guarantees that your course will have lasting value and continue generating sales long after launch.

3. Choose the Right Online Course Platform

Picking the right platform to host and sell your course is essential. Countless options are 

available, such as:

  • Kajabi
  • Teachable 
  • Udemy
  • Podia\

Each platform has its own set of strengths, depending on your needs. Kajabi is great for those who want an all-in-one solution, including marketing, sales funnels, and course hosting, while Udemy may suit those who want a ready-made marketplace to reach a broader audience. When selecting a platform, consider:

  • Ease of use: How tech-savvy are you? Do you want to build everything yourself or use a user-friendly platform?
  • Features: Are you looking for a platform that integrates everything from email marketing to course hosting, or are you comfortable using multiple tools?
  • Revenue share: Some platforms, like Udemy, take a percentage of your earnings, while others, like Kajabi, offer flat fees.\

Do your research to find the platform that best aligns with your technical ability and business goals.

4. Build in Public to Generate Buzz

When developing your course, consider making it public. This means sharing the process with your audience as you go. Post updates about your progress wins, and challenges. This transparency can generate anticipation and build community among potential buyers who feel invested in your journey.

Building in public also allows you to gather feedback from your audience in real-time. By asking for their input on course topics or structure, you create a product that truly meets their needs, increasing its chances of success. Not only does this strategy make the final product more relevant, but it also builds trust with your audience before you’ve even launched.

5. Price Your Course Accessible

Pricing your course appropriately is crucial to its success. Many creators make the mistake of overpricing their courses, thinking higher prices will signal more excellent value. Making your course accessible can often yield better results.

A well-priced course (e.g., $100-$300) can be easier to sell and recommend than a high-ticket product. Offering an affordable product encourages word-of-mouth marketing and can result in more volume, often balancing out revenue. You can also offer an affiliate program, incentivizing students to recommend the course to others. Creating a valuable and affordable product makes you more likely to foster loyalty and repeat customers.

6. Use Social Proof to Boost Credibility

One of the easiest ways to sell more courses is through social proof, such as testimonials or positive feedback from past students. People are more likely to purchase if they see that others have already found success using your product.

Regularly share testimonials and success stories on your social media platforms. This type of user-generated content often outperforms traditional marketing messages, as potential buyers trust the opinions of their peers more than their self-promotion. Ensure these testimonials are visible on your website or course landing page for maximum impact.

7. Follow the 80/20 Rule for Promotion

Promotion is essential, but it should always feel manageable. A great rule of thumb is the 80/20 principle: spend 80% of your time providing free value through content and only 20% promoting your course.

This way, you build trust with your audience without overwhelming them with sales pitches. Focus on sharing valuable content through social media, blogs, and email newsletters. When you promote your course, ensure it feels natural and aligned with the value you have already provided.

8. Keep It Short but Impactful

A common mistake among new course creators is making their courses shorter. While comprehensive content is valuable, a short, concise course with high-quality information often leads to better completion rates and higher satisfaction.

Aim to deliver your core message and lessons in a format that can be consumed quickly. Courses that are around 45 minutes to 2 hours tend to have higher completion rates, especially for busy audiences or those looking for fast solutions. As your reputation grows, you can introduce more in-depth courses, but starting with something brief and powerful will keep students engaged.

9. Upsell Additional Services

After completing your course, students may want more personalized guidance or additional support. This is where upselling comes into play. Consider offering one-on-one coaching, access to an exclusive community, or other advanced digital products as add-ons. 

These extras enhance your student’s learning experience and create additional revenue streams without requiring aggressive sales tactics. These options allow students to continue their journey with you and deepen their understanding of your material. 

5 Best Platforms For Creating Your Online Course

1. Delphi: Scale Yourself with Digital Cloning

Delphi is a digital cloning platform that lets you capture your unique style, voice, and expertise, making it possible to scale personalized 1-on-1 interactions. It's a game-changer for:

  • Content creators
  • Coaches
  • Influencers
  • CEOs
  • Executives\

It enables them to clone their:

  • Expertise
  • Time
  • Availability\

With Delphi, you can clone yourself for free and preserve your knowledge while mass personalizing communications and managing your audience effectively

2. Kajabi: A One-Stop Shop for Course Creators

Kajabi is a go-to platform for online courses. It allows authors to design landing pages and produce and host courses. Its strength lies in offering complete marketing tools and funnels to sell those courses, which are particularly useful for coaches hoping to profit from the course boom.

If you’re an online coach seeking the ideal platform, these marketing methods might aid client acquisition and revenue generation. If your coaching business is course-based, you can create modules containing:

  • Text
  • Files
  • Videos\

Using Kajabi. The platform has sophisticated marketing tools, including welcome flows, landing sites, and email campaigns, that are absent from most other online coaching platforms. The drawback of Kajabi for instructors is that it is a business builder focusing on courses. There is minimal community option, but it is essentially just a tag.

3. Mighty Networks: Build a Thriving Community

Mighty Networks provides all you want to establish your tutoring business and build a fantastic clientele. With Mighty, you can access robust cultural software that can be used as a white-label community platform that allows you to perform almost all of the tasks on the previous list. Asynchronous and synchronous engaging courses, messaging, debates, and events are a few customization options in specific Spaces.

4. Thinkific: User-Friendly and Flexible

Thinkific is a user-friendly course development tool incorporating Zoom to assist coaching sessions. It allows coaches to create their white-label website and sell digital items and courses. 

Though Thinkific has no marketing automation tools, it has many sales choices and easy checkout with order bump prompts. With the help of the Calendly integration, coaches may set up appointments. Thinkific Benefits Easy-to-use Nice community features A free program is offered (limited features) several sales possibilities Black label

5. Teachable: Grow Your Audience

Teachable help savvy course creators grow and nurture an online audience. To begin with, the platform offers various options to customize the look and feel of your course. Build a website that reflects your brand, create sales pages for launching your course, and use the Power Editor to tinker with it if you know some code. If not, edit one of the three templates available. Teachable's course builder accepts files from:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive\

Among other content formats. Teachable's generative AI generated a course outline, lesson content, and section summaries that were good enough to serve as a solid starting point. 

Maximizing Course Sales and Student Engagement with Teachable’s Pricing, Marketing, and Feedback Tools

There's flexibility when pricing your course, too. You can offer courses on their own or in bundles and choose between a one-time fee, a payment plan, or a subscription. When you're ready to launch, create coupon codes for a quick boost in course sales. Use the platform's built-in affiliate marketing option to build a sales team for your course. Add affiliates, and they'll get a percentage of course sales. 

No third-party integration is required. Teachable's native email marketing tool lets you filter and message students when they enroll, redeem a coupon, or complete a course. The platform also helps you collect student feedback and uncover insights about your course using Google Forms and surveys. If you'd like to keep in touch with students after they've completed your course, add them to your email list with Teachable's integrations. As they say, the money is on the list.

How to Find the Best Online Course Platform for You

Ease of use is everything in an online course platform. You want something that feels intuitive for you and your students. Look for platforms with user-friendly interfaces that don’t require a tech wizard to navigate. 

This simplicity helps you focus on content creation and teaching, not wrestling with complicated tools. Your students will appreciate a seamless experience, diving right into learning without tech headaches.

Features to Fit Your Course Like a Glove

Think about what you need to make your course stand out. Do you want to include quizzes or certifications? 

How about interactive elements or a community space for students to connect? Some platforms offer a treasure trove of features, while others keep it simple with video hosting. Choose one that aligns with your teaching style and enhances your students’ learning journey.

Pricing and Monetization: Know the Costs

Not all pricing models are created equal. Some platforms charge a monthly fee, others take a cut of your sales, and some require a one-time payment. 

Understanding these costs is crucial to ensure the platform doesn’t waste your profits. Ensure it offers the tools you need to monetize your courses effectively so you’re not leaving money on the table.

Customization: Make it Your Own

Customization is key to creating a branded experience. Check if the platform allows you to tweak the design to match your brand, whether through a drag-and-drop builder or more advanced options. A platform that lets you put your stamp on your course can boost your credibility and make the experience more engaging for students.

Related Reading

3 Best Tips for Successfully Selling Online Courses

1. Boost Your Credibility: Build Trust with Your Audience

Trust is the cornerstone of selling online courses. Be transparent about what your course offers. 

  • Communicate the course content
  • The skills learners will acquire
  • How it will benefit them\

A clear value proposition ensures students know exactly what they are getting. Leverage social proof by using:

  • Testimonials
  • Reviews
  • Ratings from previous students \

This convinces potential students of your course's value. Share your credentials. Position yourself as an expert by sharing your background, qualifications, and experiences. Engage with your audience on social media, answer questions, and provide free value to boost your credibility.

2. Make It Easy: Simplify the Purchase Process

A seamless purchasing experience is essential for boosting conversions. Choose the right platform. Using marketplaces like Udemy or SkillShare can simplify payment processing. 

  • If you prefer to sell through your website, ensure the checkout process is streamlined. Clearly explain what your course covers and make enrolling easy. Avoid lengthy processes to optimize your checkout. 
  • A two-step system where students create an account and then enter payment details is common. Ensure that multiple payment methods (like PayPal or Stripe) are available for convenience and to improve customer satisfaction. 
  • Provide clear descriptions. A well-structured course description helps students understand exactly what they are paying for. Highlight the benefits, course structure, and any additional resources included.

3. Keep Improving: Gather Feedback to Enhance Your Course

Feedback is crucial for refining your course and ensuring it meets the needs of your students. 

Use surveys like NPS (Net Promoter Score) to gauge students' satisfaction with your course. This can be done during or after the course. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Survicate make it easy to collect and analyze this data. 

  • Discussion boards encourage students to share their thoughts and interact with others. This fosters a sense of community while providing insights into how students engage with your content. 
  • For more detailed feedback, contact students for personal interviews. These can provide in-depth insights into how your course can be improved.
  • Establish email or chat support for students to voice concerns or ask for help. This will improve the student experience and provide feedback on areas where your course might need improvement. 
  • Encourage reviews. Ask students to leave reviews on your website or third-party platforms. These reviews serve as social proof and help potential students make their purchasing decisions.

Related Reading

Create Your Own Digital Clone with Delphi Today

You’ve built a reputation based on your unique style, voice, and expertise. But how do you share it with more people without burning out? Delphi is a digital cloning platform designed to help you scale without losing that personal touch. Imagine capturing your:

  • Style
  • Voice
  • Expertise in a digital clone\

This clone is an extension of you, allowing you to mass personalize communications and interactions. This means you can reach more people while maintaining the same engagement quality.

Personalized Mentorship at Scale

Do you need help with the limitations of one-on-one coaching? Delphi transforms this by providing a mentorship-as-a-service platform. It allows you to clone yourself in various forms, such as:

  • Texting
  • Calling
  • Video calling

Personalized Mentorship and Audience Management

This type of personalized mentorship ensures that you can maintain meaningful connections with your audience, no matter how large it gets. You can also use Delphi’s audience management features to send mass messages, hop into conversations, receive alerts, and access analytics and content strategy data.

Get Started with Your Digital Clone

Ready to create your digital clone? Delphi makes it easy to get started. You can create your digital clone for free today. This means you can start scaling your business and reaching more people without spending a dime. Plus, Delphi’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to create and manage your digital clone. 

Start scaling your online coaching business today with Delphi.

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