Dr. Stuart Singer

Your mental coach for sports


Stuart Singer has a Doctorate in Sport and Performance Psychology. Additionally, he has a master’s degree in counseling. Stu was a multisport athlete, and has now been coaching and/or a practicing sport psychologist for 30 years. He practices an approach that is rooted in the most up-to-date, research validated, science and theory of psychology. He applies a Why, What, and How approach. The Why represents the neuroscience of what the brain does when under stress and pressure. What represents concepts that he wants his clients to understand when in the real world of competition and performance. The How represents that exercises, routines, and practices that his clients can practice daily – with consistency – that will begin to train the brain how to respond at its best during moments of consequence. These practices literally rebuild the functioning of our brain. Lastly, he believes in a caring, empowering approach to the profession of sport psychology. While the topic is serious, he believes in having fun, smiling, and joking with his clients. It’s okay to have fun, and to talk in a grounded everyday way with his clients. No jargon only real-world language and application.